About Us
Mission and Vision
Our vision is a world free of meningitis. Our mission is to defeat meningitis wherever it exists.

About CoMO
CoMO was established in 2004 and became the civil society network arm of Meningitis Research Foundation in 2021. Today we have expanded to over 150 members in more than 50 countries, with Africa our fastest-growing member region.
Our purpose
As a vibrant coalition of people and groups striving to defeat meningitis in their countries and communities, equipping CoMO members for success is our primary purpose. We provide members with the most effective tools and evidence for campaigning and advocacy, including the opportunity to come together for our member conference, where we foster collaboration to inspire change.
What we do
CoMO brings together patient groups, health care professionals and organisations, meningitis survivors and families to help prevent meningitis through:
Raising awareness of meningitis
Advocating for better meningitis prevention, treatment and support worldwide
Supporting our members across the globe

Raising awareness of meningitis
CoMO members work tirelessly in countries and communities across the world to raise awareness of meningitis every day. Just one way they do this is through World Meningitis Day.
In 2009, CoMO members pioneered the very first World Meningitis Day. Today, it is the world’s largest day of collective action on meningitis, touching millions with messages of prevention, understanding and hope.
It is endorsed by leading global health bodies such as UNICEF, WHO and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Global advocacy
Meningitis is an important global health issue that should be on every government’s agenda. CoMO is a powerful collective voice, campaigning for action to defeat meningitis worldwide, through international advocacy campaigns to raise awareness, lobby for policy change and fight for global prevention and treatment.
In 2021 the World Health Organisation (WHO) launched a Global Road Map to Defeat Meningitis by 2030. CoMO members were part of the development of the Road Map, members now sit on the Strategic Support Group and CoMO is represented on the technical taskforce via its parent organisation, Meningitis Research Foundation.
People affected by the disease are central participants in this worldwide mission. The Race to 2030 is a key tool to help members engage with the Road Map and be part of global efforts to defeat the disease.
CoMO is also committed to helping achieve the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals through our projects.
Member development and support
We support our community through quarterly regional meetings where members can be inspired by guest speakers, spot opportunities for collaboration and learn about the latest meningitis campaigning.
Our regional coordinators provide insight and guidance, plus updates on member achievement and challenges. We bring members together with a diverse network of people and organisation and provide a monthly newsletter, social media groups, news and valuable resources.
Members can take part in our annual conference, be supported to raise awareness of meningitis in their countries on World Meningitis Day and World Immunization Week and apply for our World Meningitis Day Advocacy Fund or attend our Meningitis Research Foundation conference in the UK and online. We do not ask for membership fees, only for passion and energy to help in the fight to defeat meningitis.
Want to get involved?
Become a member
If this looks like something you would like to be part of, get in touch with a member of our team to join or call today on +44 333 405 6264