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Using storytelling to drive health policy change

Sharing personal stories is a great way for patient groups and health organisations to drive policy change.


Stories lower an audience’s resistance to new ideas and make them more likely to remember information. So personal stories can often shift the opinions of decision makers and prompt them to act on an issue which they were otherwise reluctant to do.


Using storytelling to drive health policy change, explores how to develop a simple health-related storyboard; looks at the practicalities of gathering, capturing, and sharing stories; and includes pointers on how to safeguard storytellers – and those that listen to them. Above all it includes examples of how health organisations have used storytelling in their own campaigning around the world – and what they have achieved as a result.


Using storytelling to drive health policy change will help you develop and use stories that will move and influence your audiences – and help you achieve the changes you want to see. Do download and use the resource and share it through your networks and channels.


With thanks to all the individuals and groups who shared their experience with us to develop Using storytelling to drive health policy change.

Using storytelling to drive health policy change PDF front page

This guide is part of a suite of resources that we have created to help you advocate for change. You may also be interested in our series of case studies, celebrating best practice from across the globe, or our Planning for change online training.

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