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Get involved in World Meningitis Day 2024. Help light the road ahead.

Light the road ahead

We can all make a difference by uniting against meningitis. Light the road ahead wherever you are in the world and let's make our hopes for the future shine this World Meningitis Day.

How do I light the road ahead?

Taking part in the global movement couldn’t be easier.

  1. Choose something to illuminate. You can keep it simple or be as creative as you like. Decorate with fairy lights, light a candle or just leave a light on.

  2. Take a photo.

  3. Share it on 5th October at 20.30 (8.30pm) wherever you are in the world.  

Light The Road infographic image

Don't forget to use the hashtags #WorldMeningitisDay and #DefeatMeningitis and be part of the global conversation. 

Who can take part?

Anyone. World Meningitis Day is about drawing global attention to a health issue that needs to be defeated. So, we’d love as many people as possible to take part wherever they are in the world. 


In 2023, we were grateful to have the support of so many individuals, families, organisations and landmarks around the world helping to light the road ahead on the 5th of October. We’d love your help to make World Meningitis Day 2024 bigger and brighter than ever.  

Why light the road ahead?

Meningitis kills within hours and often has life-long health implications for those that do survive.  But for every family and every community touched by meningitis, there is hope, there is light. 


The World Health Organization’s Global Road Map to Defeat Meningitis by 2030 will: 


  • Save up to 200,000 people from dying from meningitis every year. 


  • Improve prevention, diagnosis and treatment, disease monitoring, health advocacy, and support and aftercare. 


  • Reduce disabilities caused by meningitis. 


Countries worldwide have committed to a vision. But everyone has a role to play to ensure governments all over the world act on it and make this our reality by 2030. 


This World Meningitis Day, show your support for the WHO’s Global Road Map and help light the road ahead in remembrance of everyone who has lost their life, or had their life changed forever, because of meningitis.


Let’s make this World Meningitis Day a global moment of unity and hope, as we race towards 2030.  

Why 20.30 (8.30pm) and is that the only time I can share my photo?

We want to create a global chain of light. So, we are asking people to participate at 20.30 (8.30pm), wherever they are in the world. The time chosen is a symbolic reference to WHO’s Global Road Map to Defeat Meningitis by 2030. But don’t feel this is the only time to share your pictures. Many people participate at the time that suits them on the day. Don’t forget to use the campaign hashtags #WorldMeningitisDay and #DefeatMeningitis to show people what you’re doing and be part of the conversation. 


In our toolkit you'll find resources to help others light the road. These include email banners, and stickers to use on social media. They are free to download and can help you share with others what you're doing. 


Click on the links below to access these resources.

Other ways to take part in World Meningitis Day 2024

There are plenty of ways to get involved in World Meningitis Day 2024. Why not share your story or use any of the free resources in our campaign toolkit.



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Stay informed

Sign up to the Meningitis Research Foundation’s monthly newsletter and find out how we are working to defeat meningitis. Each email is packed with the news on the latest science, meningitis vaccines, and health policy developments. You can also learn more about what is being achieved by the Confederation of Meningitis Organisations - our global network of meningitis groups and advocates. 


#DefeatMeningitis #WorldMeningitisDay

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© Meningitis Research Foundation and Confederation of Meningitis Organisations
A charity registered in England and Wales no 1091105, in Scotland no SC037586, & in Ireland 20034368
A company limited by guarantee, registered in England no 4367866
Registered Office: Room 703, The Programme Building 7th Floor, The Pithay, Bristol BS1 2NB


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CoMO Logo + established 2004 - transpare

© Confederation of Meningitis Organisations and Meningitis Research Foundation
A charity registered in England and Wales no 1091105, in Scotland no SC037586, & in Ireland 20034368
A company limited by guarantee, registered in England no 4367866
Registered Office: Room 703, The Programme Building 7th Floor, The Pithay, Bristol BS1 2NB

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